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The First Americans were Africans, Expanded & Revised, Second Edition (pb)
What They Never Told You In History Class: Volume I (paperback)
Golden Age of the Moor (Paperback)
Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary (Paperback)
How to Make a Negro Christian (paperback)
Dreams of Africa in Alabama: The Slave Ship Clotilda and the Story of the Last Africans brought to America (Hardcopy)
The Invisible War: African American Anti-Slavery Resistance from the Stono Rebellion through the Seminole Wars by First Last (Paperback)
Frederick Douglass: A Critical Reader (Paperback)
Hidden in Plain View: A Secret Story of Quilts and the Underground Railroad (Paperback)
Lest We Forget: The Passage from Africa to Slavery and Emancipation.   (Hardcover)
Malcolm X as Cultural Hero & Other Essays (Paperback)
The Best of the Little Known Black History Facts (Paperback)
The Six Black Presidents:  Black Blood : White Masks  (Paperback)
The Moors In Spain (Paperback)
The Willie Lynch Letter and the Making of a Slave (Paperback)
To Be A Slave (Hardcover)
To Be A Slave (Paperback)
We Shall Not Be Moved: The Passage from the Great Migration to the Million Man March.  (Hardcover)
Freedom's Children: The Passage from Emancipation to the Great Migration (Hardcover)
The Slaughter: An American Atrocity (Hardcover)
As Nature Leads (Paperback)
Bible Legacy of the Black Race (Paperback)
1492: The Debate on colonialism, eurocenterism and HISTORY (Paperback)
Black Leadership (Paperback)
Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust: Slavery and the Rise of European Capitalism (Paperback)
Your History: From the Beginning of Time To the Present (Paperback)
No Man Can Hinder Me (Hardcover)
The Pan-Africanists (Paperback)
The Five Negro Presidents (Pamphlet)
The Teachings: Drawn fron African-American Spirituals (Paperback)
Civilization or Barbarism (Paperback)
They Came Before Columbus (paperback)
A Gathering of Old Men (Paperback)
Black Odyssey: The Case of the Slave Ship Amistad (Paperback)
Blacks before America (Paperback)
Blacks Before America (pb)
Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern (Paperback)
Biblical History of Black Mankind (Paperback)
David Walker's Appeal (Paperback)
Escape to Freedom: The Underground Railroad (Paperback)
Go Tell It On The Mountain (Paperback)
In Search of Hannah Crafts: Critical Essays on the Bondwoman's Narrative (Paperback)
In the Hollow of Your Hand: Slave Lullabies (Hardcover)
Jackie and Me (Baseball Card Adventures (Paperback)
Let the Ancestors Speak: Removing the Veil of Mysticism from Medu Netcher (Paperback)
The Barbary Corsairs (Paperback)
The Middle Passage: White Ships/Black Cargo (Hardcover)
Kush: The Jewel of Nubia:Reconnecting the Root System of African Civilization  (Paperback)
African Genesis: Folk Tales and Myths of Africa
African Glory: The Story of Vanished Negro Civilizations (Paperback)
The Remarkable BAOBAB (Hardcover)
Everybody Say Freedom: Everything You Need to Know About African-American History (Paperback)
The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors (Paperback)
Mules and Men (Paperback)
Eyewitness: A Living Documentary of the African American Contribution to American History (Paperback)
The Sacred Geometry of Washington, D. C.: The Integrity and Power of the Original Design (Paperback)
Lost Cities of North & Central America (paperback)
Black Women, White Men: The sexual Exploitation of Female Slaves in the Danish West Indies (Paperback)
African People in World History (Paperback)
Servants of Allah: African Muslims Enslaved in the Americas (Paperback)
Message to the People: The Course of African Philosophy (Paperback)
The Senator and the Socialite: The true story of America's First Black Dynasty (Hardcover)
Bones Hooks: Pioneer Negro Cowboy (Hardcover)
Middle Passages: African American Journeys to Africa, 1787-2005 (Hardcover)
African American Desk Reference: The Ultimate Source for Essential Information about History, Culture, and Contemporary Life (Hardcover)
Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany (Paperback)
The Thirteenth Tribe:The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage (Paperback)
The Penguin Atlas of African History (Paperback)
The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, Or, Africa for the Africans (The New Marcus Garvey Library, No. 9) Paperback
History of the First Council of Nice (pb)
The Execution of Willie Francis (Hard Cover)
Sarah Margru Kinson: The Two Worlds of an Amistad Captive (paperback)
Wrapped In Pride: Ghanaian Kente and African American Identity (paperback)
Introduction to African Civilizations
Deep Like the Rivers: Education in the Slave Quarter Community 1831-1865 (Paperback)
Ethiopia and the Missing Link in African History (pb)
Warren G. Harding U.S. President 29: DEATH BY BLACKNESS (Paperback)
The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution (paperback)
Exterminate All the Brutes: One Man's Odyssey into the Heart of Darkness and the Origins of European Genocide (paperback)
Black Men Built The Capitol: Discovering African-American History in and Around Washington, D.C. (paperback)
Heroes in Black History: True Stories from the Lives of Christian Heroes (paperback)
Stokely Speaks: From Black Power to Pan-Africanism
Prince Among Slaves: The True Story of an African Prince Sold into Slavery in the American South (Paperback)
A Century of Negro Migration (Paperback)
Sins of the Fathers: The Atlantic Slave Traders 1441 - 1807 (Hardcover)
African American Firsts: Famous, little-known and unsung triumphs of Blacks in America (Paperback)
Waiting 'Til The Midnight Hour: A Narrative History of Black Power in America (Hardcover)
Hubert Henry Harrison: The Black Socrates (Pamphlet)
The Zebra Murders: A Season of Killing, Racial Madness, and Civil Rights (Hardcover)
American Nightmare: The History of Jim Crow (paperback)
The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 (pb)
Great Negroes Past and Present: Volume Two (hardcover)
The Klan Unmasked (paperback)
Christianity Before Christ (paperback)
Africans at the Crossroads: Notes for An African World Revolution:  (paperback)
Africans at the Crossroads: Notes for An african World Revolution (pb)
Fifty Days on board a Slave Vessel (paperback)
African Presence in Early Europe (paperback)
The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration (hardcover)
Beyond Boundaries: The Manning Marable Reader (paperback)
Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention (hard cover)
Let Nobody Turn Us Around: An African American Anthology (paperback)
The Great Wells of Democracy: The Meaning of Race in American Life (paperback)
Living Black History: How Reimagining the African-American Past Can Remake America's Racial Future (hardcover)
Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (paperback)
"Racial Matters": The FBI's Secret File on Black America, 1960-1972 (paperback)
White Man's Heaven: The Lynching and Expulsion of Blacks in the Southern Ozarks, 1894-1909 (hardcover)
AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed (softcover)
Marcus Garvey and the Vision of Africa (paperback)
Should African People Celebrate Valentine's Day? (Pamphlet)
Death or Liberty: African Americans and Revolutionary America (paperback)
African Americans in the Revolutionary War (paperback)
Peter's War: A New England Slave Boy and the American Revolution (paperback)
Race, Reform, and Rebellion: The Second Reconstruction and Beyond in Black America, 1945-2006 Third Edition  (paperback)
The Negro in Colonial New England 1620 - 1776 (paperback)
Kings and Queens of Central Africa (Library and School Binding)
Kings and Queens of Southern Africa (Library)
Nzingha Warrior Queen of Matamba; Angola, Africa, 1595 (hardcover)
Life Upon These Shores: Looking at African American History 1513-2008 (hardcover)
100 Years of Lynchings (paperback)
Burning at the Stake in the United States (pamphlet)
Black Genealogy: How to discover your own family's roots and trace your ancestors back through an eventful past, even to a specific African Kingdom (paperback)
When We Ruled (paperback)
Zero to Breakthrough: The 7-Step Battle-Tested Method for Accomplishing Goals That Matter (hard cover)
A Panther is a Black Cat (paperback)
Ages of Gold and Silver (paperback)
Introduction to African Civilizations - Imprint Editions (paperback)
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (paperback)
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness  (hardcover)
Inherently UNEQUAL: The Betrayal of Equal Rights By the Supreme Court, 1865-1903 (hard cover)
One Man's Castle: Clarence Darrow in Defense of the American Dream (paperback)
Shakespeare In Africa (and other venues): Import and the Appropriation of Culture  Hardcover
The Butler: A Witness To History (hardcover)
Seize the Time: The Story of the Black Panther Party and Huey P. Newton (paperback)
Ready for the Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael [Kwame Ture] (paperback)
The Making of African America: The Four Great Migrations (paperback)
Malcolm X: The FBI File (paperback)
In the Words of Nelson Mandela (hardcover)
At Canaan's Edge: America in the King Years 1965-68 (softcover)
The Missing Pages of "His-Story": Highlights in Black Achievement  (Soft Cover)
The Ancient Black Hebrews and Arabs (Paperback)
Free at Last: A History of the Civil Rights Movement and Those Who Died in the Struggle (paperback)
African Philosophy in World History (paperback)
Readings in PRECOLONIAL CENTRAL AFRICA: Texts & Documents (paperback)
The Unfolding of Language: an evolutionary tour of mankind's greatest invention (paperback)
BLACK STAR; The African Presence in Early Europe (Paperback)
 Garvey and Garveyism (Paperback)
Metu Neter vol. 6: The Ra Initiation System (paperback)
Fulcrums of Change: Origins of Racism in the Americas and other Essays (paperback)
Ancient Nubia: African Kingdoms on the Nile (hardcover)
Blacks in Science Ancient and Modern (used like-new paperback)
Literary Garveyism: Garvey, Black Arts and the Harlem Renaissance (paperback)
Never Been a Time: The 1917 Race Riot that Sparked the Civil Rights Movement (hard cover)
Another America: The Story of Liberia and the Former Slaves Who Ruled It (hard cover)
Building a New Land: African Americans in Colonial America (hard cover)
Retake Your Fame: Black Contribution to World Civilization Vol. 1 (paperback)
Before the Mayflower - A History of Black America (hc) (pb)
The First Americans were Africans: Documented Evidence (pb)
Dred and Harriet Scott: A Family's Struggle for Freedom (paperback)
Dred Scott Decision (paperback)
The 1910 Slocum Massacre: An Act of Genocide in East Texas (Paperback)
First Class: The Legacy of Dunbar, America's First Black Public High School (paperback)
The Underground Railroad: Dramatic Firsthand accounts of daring escapes to Freedom (paperback)
We Are Your Sisters; Black Women in the Nineteenth Century (paperback)
Capitalism & Slavery (paperback)
History of the People of Trinidad and Tobago (paperback)
Documents of West Indian History (paperback)
From Columbus to Castro: The History of the Caribbean (paperback)
1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus (Paperback)
Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 (hardcover)
Africa and the Discovery of America (paperback)
The Ancient Black Civilizations of Asia (paperback)
Atlantis in Mexico: The Mande Discovery of America (paperback)
We Are Not Just Africans: The Black Native Americans (paperback)
African Empires in Ancient America (paperback)
America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America (hc)
Ancient and Modern Britons Volume 1 (paperback)
Ancient and Modern Britons Volume 2: A Retrospect (paperback)
Understanding Jim Crow: Using Racist Memorabilia to Teach Tolerance and Promote Social Justice (pb)
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race (hc)
Indian Givers: How Native Americans Transformed the World (pb)
Scott's Official History of the American Negro in the World War (pb)
Booker T. Washington, Builder of A Civilization (pb)
Negro Migration during the War (pb)
The Timbuktu Chronicles 1493-1599 (pb)
Jailing a Rainbow: The Unjust Trial and Conviction of Marcus Garver (pb)